Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Revolution to waxing!

Sugaring hair removal available to you

 Are you tired of irritated skin, rashes, red blotches, and the annoying/ un-needed pain from hair waxing removal? Avoid those sticky ways by switching to sugaring hair removal, now available to you at your local Team Fitness.

I was personally skeptic at first, but after my first try at it, I will never go back to waxing again. It was quick, easy, and painless. 

This practice uses an all-natural paste made from food-derived ingredients such as sugar, water, and lemon juice.   


The results can last up to six weeks, and I promise they do. I usually get my eyebrow waxed every 2 weeks, but since my last sugaring, it’s been about 2 weeks and I’m still hairless! Only natural ingredients are used, and it benefits your skin more then waxing would by only pulling away dead skin near your unwanted hair, not ripping away the healthy skin as well.

Come into your local Team Fitness Salon and make an appointment for sugaring hair removal, you too will choose to never go back to plain ol’ waxing.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Evolutionize your health drinks with Evolution Juices

By: Google Images

“Squeeze life for everything it’s got”

Evolution Juices are the purists of the pure, tastiest of the most tasteful. This incredibly delicious tasting juice smoothie is all natural, packed full of nutrients, and bursting with flavor in every drink. Why go to a smoothie or juice bar when you can have Evolution Juice? Founder Jimmy Rosenberg first started squeezing naturally delicious juice in Santa Monica more than 30 years ago that has had consumers hooked and wanting more.

Different juice smoothies available
-Juice + more

For flavors of each type of smoothie follow the link: 

Where to find the product nearest you?

And now the essential greens, sweet greens and orange flavor sold at your local team fitness.