Our gastrointestinal track houses about four pounds of bacteria! We have more bacteria in our body than cells of the body! That being said we hope those bacteria are “friendly,” providing us with nourishment by manufacturing vitamins, helping to absorb minerals, strengthening our immune system and regulating positive genetic expression and detoxification.
Our bacteria is determined initially by our mother’s bacteria as we move through the birth canal. We continue to colonize through exposure while breast feeding, breathing and living. Bacteria exposure is necessary to gain a healthy immune system! Let those kids play in the dirt!
If we have a disruption in our friendly bacteria then we get overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria or pathogens. These pathogens cause inflammation in the GI tract and can lead to allergies, GI distress, auto immune diseases, hormonal imbalance, mood disorders, nutrient deficiency and more.
All health begins with digestion and if we have symptoms of digestive distress (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, heart burn, etc.) then our long-term health will be compromised.
Gut flora imbalance is widespread today partly due to a sterile environment (too many antibacterial cleaners) which wipes out 99% of bacteria, but allows that resistant 1% to thrive, creating “super bugs.” Also, children do not get exposed to the beneficial bacteria creating a space for pathogens to flourish, and we are bombarded with over prescription of antibiotics which are also present in our food and water supply.
Where do we get probiots? We can get them from cultured foods: yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, lasi, kim chee, miso, kombucha, temph and kefir, however these foods need to be made by traditional preparation. Much of the yogurt of today is a sugary processed food; sauerkraut is not naturally fermented but made with food chemicals. Your local health food store or co-op will carry naturally fermented foods.
The other way to get probiotics are through supplementation. Supplementation is necessary if we have known bacterial overgrowth or if we have been exposed to antibiotics, highly chlorinated water, high levels of stress, foreign countries, unclean water, do not eat naturally fermented foods or have any digestive complaints.
Quality is so very important when choosing any supplement, but especially living bacteria. Your best bet is always a professional line of supplements. These are put through higher standards and quality control than what is generally sold over the counter. Look for refrigerated, freeze dried powder or capsules with 1+ billion CFU’s that has many different strains. Another consideration is that some symptoms and disorders are strain specific, your nutritionist can recommend which strains are best for your unique needs.
Happy digesting!
Cheri Soraparu, MS, CCN
Functional Nutrition for a happier you!
Cheri Soraparu, MS, CCN
Functional Nutrition for a happier you!
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